Vase-Mode storage containers!
Have you ever heard of the vase-mode feature?! Believe it or not but, the containers(red) above only have one parameter and use very little plastic, while printing at speeds of 60mm/s to 100mm/s. Woah! The red hexagonal containers above fit onto the green/white containers. There are a lot of different shaped plates available, you can also combine the different shapes to create a pretty cool storage container to store in your kitchen, on your desk, next to your 3d printer... There are different heights of the container. Alright, so let's talk about this vase-mode feature! Vase mode is a feature that enables you to print objects relatively quickly while also using less material. Using this feature, you can print almost any model with the thickness of just a single wall. How to access Vase-mode: Cura: It's also called Spiralised Outer Contour in Cura. Go to print settings (right side menu), at the bottom you will see a "Custom" button. After clicking it, scroll down to "Special Modes", there you will see a "Spiralise Outer Contour" option. Click the tab on the right side to enable this feature. Simplify3D: To enable vase mode, click "Edit Process Settings", then go to the Layer tab and enable the option for Single outline corkscrew printing mode, also known as Vase-Mode! Printing tips: I printed the containers and plates above at speeds of 60mm/s(plates) and 90mm/s(containers) while using a 0.4mm nozzle and a layer height of 0.2mm! The containers don't have to be printed in Vase-mode, it's just a tip for faster prints that use less plastic, would recommend trying it out! The walls won't be as strong, but I've found that it works for storing lightweight parts. Notes: Only the containers should be printed in Vase-mode, not the plates. The containers don't fit onto the plates as well if they're in vase mode. Good Luck with the prints! Steve