Reverse Smooth-ish Fang Duct for Ender3/CR-10 with Micro Swiss Direct Drive
This is a re-design of the amass3d's popular "Smooth Fang" part cooler duct. The fan mount is reversed compared to the original in order to clear the Micro Swiss direct drive extruder. The mounting bracket is a modified version of frankybuilds's bracket, which required some tweaking to work with the Micro Swiss hot end. Frankbuilds bracket (includes additional parts needed to add bed leveling): Micro Swiss extruder and hot end kit can be found here: I am not good at modifying meshes, so I ended up just making it from scratch, albeit not as lightweight or as aesthetically pleasing as the original. After several hours of work, you can only imagine my face when I found this: So, in the end this is a bit redundant, but my design does perform well. I printed this before switching over to the microswiss direct drive setup, which is why you can see some underextruded layers. I was having issues with tension on the extruder drive. This is no longer an issue with the excellent Micro Swiss design.