Dungeon Mayhem Monsters Insert

Dungeon Mayhem Monsters Insert


When I posted my other insert for [__Dungeon Mayhem Monster Madness__](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/295577/dungeon-mayhem-monster-madness) to BGG, I found a picture of how you could place the cards beside each other on the short side of the box. This seemed to be a better solution, so I made this version. There is space for all heroes/monsters cards with sleeves. It is a pretty tight fit, but it works. There are two version of the insert. One is split into two parts for printers with smaller beds, and then there is a version that is a single piece version for larger beds. Should you want a more versatile and much better looking solution the try [this](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4190272). Take a look at [my other insert version](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4458390) if you want to place the cards in the manner of the original insert.



