Replicator 1 marlin 2.0

Replicator 1 marlin 2.0


MAKE NOTE THE FEET I DID NOT MAKE THESE WERE DESIGNED BY SOMEONE ELSE MORE TALENTED THAN I NOR did i make the filament guide or Screen holder. they were made by this GUYs WHAT I DID: Custom made marlin 2.0 for replicator 1 FROM SCRATCH(this was insanity don't ever do it.), with a working end result NEW board and rewired Everything! Cura 4.6.1 has a makerbot replicator profile that works great Because of hours of pains taking measurements and internet searching i was able to get the marlin geometry settings spot on simply save as gcode after slicing My replicator 1 marlin 2.0 journey Call this a pandemic thing, or you could call it sentimentality. I went searching for a second printer and i was on a budget, and i happened upon a dead replicator 1 on facebook marketplace its price was 80 usd. This little maker bot suffered greatly at the hands of its previous owners and needed a lot of work and it had a blown mightyboard. Firstly i decided to investigate the repair angle of the mightyboard. several things stopped me. The overall cost of repair and outdated makerware software So instead i decided to start from scratch and Frankenstein this piece of history because good history should be preserved. in short i did the following. New mainboard New these things because i wanted too: new stepper motor cables: new thermistors for hot ends NEW END STOPS new end stops NEW SCREEN NEW POWER SUPPLY NOTE! screen wires will need a cable flipped to make the screen work CORRECTLY with the mks GEN L NOTE! for bed thermistor, take the two wires on the right side if the printer is faceing you and take one of the 5 thermistors you just bought and solder a new end on those leads and plug that into the bed thermistor slot on the mks GEN L 1.0 NOTE! my board came with a bootloader yours might not How to configure a4988 botsteps NOTE! No matter now close i got the z stepper configured it get hot, so to that end I added a work around slapped 3 40 mm heatsinks on it and wired in a fan directly off the psu and then went a had a beer to celebrate I Included some STL files from other THINGS from this site i D/led To fill in things i wanted or replace parts my makerbot was missing INSTALL EVERYTHING FLASH MARLIN I included, have a beer and pat yourself on the BACK! Because this was fun but it wasn't easy. But in the spirit of this project i scored the printer for 80 dollars bought new board and screen for 30 and bot steps for 10 for 5 of them total cost was right around 170ish so i consider it money well spent considering i got a dual extrusion machine out of the deal







3D Printers