Fourth of July Barrel of Rockets and Stack of Bombs

Fourth of July Barrel of Rockets and Stack of Bombs


Adventurer 1: Hey look a barrel of rockets and a stack of bombs. Adventurer 2: I don't know. Adventurer 1: Hey what could go wrong? Adventurer 2: I don't know if we should mess with it. Adventurer 1: Watch this. Adventurer 2: What did you say!!! So we thought we would create something fun this 4th of July (Independence Day) for all us gamers. So what better scenery or table top accessory is there than a barrel of rockets and a stack of bombs (or cannonballs) This was made for a set that we are thinking of putting out. Great for any fantasy tabletop RPG, 28mm - 30mm game. Don't forget to "post a make" and follow if you decide to print one! We would love to see all of your end products! You can also look forward to other quality prints coming soon! (Psst... we take requests and commissions...) Enjoy!



