Electronics box for OpenAstroTracker

Electronics box for OpenAstroTracker


14/7/20 Added AMF & OBJ files (Step not available from my CAD program) 11/7/20: Modified the lid and buttons to make them bigger (and better looking) also added a small button for the reset button. (box11 files) This is a simple box to contain the basic electronics required to run the OpenAstroTracker https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4167783 It is designed to hold the Arduino Mega (or Uno), LCD shield, 2 stepper motor drivers and a buck board. There is also a mount for a small veroboard to distribute power from the buck to the Arduino and driver boards. The side of the box has a hole for a standard 5.5mm DC connector and a port (with removable cover) for the USB connector to the Arduino. there is also a small port at the back to take the cables from the stepper motors. The various mounting holes are intended for 2.6mm self- tapping screws. The 5 buttons for the LCD shield are all the same, I just printed them all in different colors for fun. The CAD file for this box is only available as a DesignSpark Mechanical rsdoc file. If you want to use this to make your own remix please post a contact and we can sort something out....





