Technology Thrall

Technology Thrall


CREDIT to everyone that I borrowed assets from. I literally could not have made this without the work y'all put into making your designs. So my gratitude to those whose assets are incorporated in this creation. Let me know if there's anything I need to change or edit in this. If you are the owner of one of the assets I borrowed and don't want it to be used in this way, send message me or comment below and I'll remove your part from this creation. NOTICE I: Greyed photos are using the older stumpy legs/feet. You should be able to view the newer model that uses ODST legs for a better look, at least, I think it looks better. The older models are still up for download though! NOTICE II: The "TTsquad#ct#of#" files are comprised of the most up to date versions of the Thralls and in bite sized squad (or fireteam) numbers. Title translation: TechnologyThrall Squad 3 count - 1 of 3, etc. CHANGES include: - Slightly elongated mouth-section to better resemble the jutting chin-look of the original FW minis... A detail I hadn't realized I missed until I looked through more ref pics. - Addition of a single robotic leg to the human arm wielding model of the TTs. I did this to add subtle differences to create the illusion of variation within the squad. -Flipped some models. I also did this to create the illusion of variation within the squad. -Created a model in a slight crouch position. -Created another model but with its gun aimed away from the body for ease of painting. -"TTsquad..." files have some models with the arm detached. This is to make painting on the side facing the body easier... But I guess you could probably also change the position of the arms, but these dudes are basically mono-pose, which is why I made some variation in poses. NOTICE III: Y’all can separate the Thralls with TinkerCAD if a specific pose or body type is part of the “TTsquad” sets!






