Tarantola NG

Tarantola NG


This is the next generation of the 3D printed Taranis pistol grip R/C transmitter. It is a major overhaul of my first design. For the build a FrSky Taranis Q7X (ACCST) R/C transmitter is used as a donor for the electronics parts. What bothered me (and others) was the need to source the throttle stick and steering unit from a Traxxas TQi R/C transmitter to build the first version. So I decided to design a throttle unit and a steering unit that both recycle parts from the gimbals of the Q7X transmitter. With this task finished there were still some parts on the transmitter that ranged between "unpleasant to the eye" and "awkward usability". This led to a complete redesign which allowed me to recycle even more parts from the FrSky donor transmitter!







R/C Vehicles