NoLick Brush Wipe Box

NoLick Brush Wipe Box


If you've ever been worried about getting mouth cancer from constantly licking your brushes to remove paint, worry no more! This box is intended to be loaded with damp sponges and affixed to your hand so you can drag your brush between the sponges instead of shoving it in your dirty mouth like an animal. Based on the testing I've done, you want to get the sponges wet and squeeze 95% of the water out of them. If there is too much water being held in them, the paint will be removed, but the brush will still be soaking wet rather than just lightly damp. The proper size of rubber band to effectively attach to your hand will vary. I've also hypothesized about using some mixture of acrylic medium and/or flow aid to saturate the sponges rather than water, but haven't had the chance to try it out yet. The sponges I used were standard size (114mm x 68mm x 15mm) Scotch-Brite Non-Scratch, cut into eighths. I also beveled the sponge section on the exposed edge, but I'm not sure how necessary that is.






