CR-10 - Ender 3 Compact Hot End Fan Mount w/Blower Parts Fan

CR-10 - Ender 3 Compact Hot End Fan Mount w/Blower Parts Fan


This is a remix of the [**CR-10 Compact Hot end block**]( by [tbenen]( (thanks for a great start). I have an Ender 3 pro with a direct drive mod but the mod doesn't include the hot end and parts fans so I grabbed his mod. My printer uses a 50x50 Blower Fan for parts cooling rather than the stock fan so I modified his parts fan duct to suit it. This was a fun project requiring me to learn a few new modeling skills to create. I would appreciate any constructive critiques or advice if there are better ways I could have done this. I hope people get some use out of this one way or another. Part 1 of the process I went through to create this mod is below under **How I Designed This**. It is fairly detailed and includes everything up to where I started working on the new Parts Fan Nozzle. I look forward to feedback and I will try to finish Part 2 soon.



