Facemask port for blowhose

Facemask port for blowhose


This thing is a re-usable port for a facemask, which allows for the attachment of a 1/4" blow hose/swivel to the mask. I designed this for use in glassblowing/flameworking, particularly for use in group studio situations when face masks are required during to COVID-19. I use this design in my own glassblowing practice. Works well on various types of masks. You will need to make a 1/4" hole in the mask. Put mask on and make a mark where you want the hole location. Take off mask and make hole. If your mask is cotton, put a drop of superglue around the hole to keep it from fraying. Thread the 1/4" rubber hose through the hole, and then thread the inner and outer port components onto the hose on either side of the mask and snap together. Trim hose to a comfortable length on the inside of the mask. I like to add the 90 degree connector, as it helps keep the hose from pulling on the mask. Parts printed in PLA, and coated with superglue to seal. Remove port and hose before washing your mask. (Pictured with cotton mask by loveshinenyc.com) It is my intention to share this design in a non-commercial venue, in order to make it free and accessible to anyone who is interested or in need, especially in educational settings.






