Xbox One Controller, 18650 Battery Holder, MK II
Hey folks! At long last, I finally got around to making the sucessor to my Xbox One 18650 adapter. It only took the boredom of a plague lockdown to push me to get around to it. So, there were some shortcomings to my original design. For a start, I used the same kind of18650 with flying leads that I use for my lightsabers, and I just figured that if anyone wanted to make my MKI adapter, they'd just go out and find a flying lead 18650 rather than use regular 18650s. That was kinda stupid of me. So, I've fixed that. The MKII battery holder has inbuilt holes in the battery cap and the battery holder, so that you can run some brass bolts through to use as battery contacts. I've also included a feature from ibnalzamuihran's remix, a groove in the battery holder, to run a wire from the bottom contact through the battery holder. The other thing I've included is space for an inbuilt 0.28" mini DC voltmeter. the biggest drawback of the original was that the battery would die without warning, as an Xbox controller's low voltage warning triggers at a lower voltage than an 18650's cutoff voltage. So, after some head scratching, I decided to use a 0.28" mini DC voltmeter from eBay. They're cheap and plentiful, the one I used cost £4, with postage. I hooked it up to the TP4056a's output pads. They are, however, always on. So if you're planning on using one, you need a normally open microswitch wired in. I've included a (very) basic circuit diagram in the pics that should help you wire it up properly I've also changed the shape of the battery holder, and reinforced the tabs that connect with the Xbox controller. things now connect with M3 bolts and M3 nuts, rather than just tapping threads directly into the plastic. This should make the MKII holder easier to assemble and sturdier. the downside is that support material is now required.