Raspberry Pi and PSU Relocation for Tevo Tarantula Pro

Raspberry Pi and PSU Relocation for Tevo Tarantula Pro


This is a design that has been created in order to permanently install a Raspberry Pi into the Tevo Tarantula Pro for connecting to an OctoPrint server. In doing this, it relocates the power supply into an upright position which also gives it more opportunity to be cooled by the surrounding air rather than suffocating under the printer. This design does require you to have a few nuts and bolts to install, aswell as a DC to DC buck converter, specifically the LM2596 in this case, and any extra relevant wiring for the installation of the Pi. It does not at all need any lengthening of wires and uses all stock parts where possible. It can be printed in any material that you prefer. I myself have used PLA and have had no issues with the design thus far.



