Neat Resistor Box

Neat Resistor Box


Yet another resistor box on Thingiverse... but this one is neat! _______________________________________________________________________ I've designed it to use as little filament as possible while still being very durable. Each slot in the drawer fits approximately 30 carbon film resistors. The complete box includes 48 slots. I think labels on the front of the drawers ruin the look so I printed out a small excel chart (the file is included so you can type in your own resistor values) and tape it on the back of the box. I refer the top drawer as "A" and each slot as A1, A2, ..., the next drawer is B1, B2, etc. _______________________________________________________________________ PRINTING TIPS: • Put the z-seam on the bottom of the box and not at any sharp edge. The same goes for the drawers: put the seam on the back. • Use a glass bed and/or any slicer settings that mitigate warping (due to the large surface areas). For this project I do not use any cooling fan at all for the first 15 layers and then gradually increase it to 50% max speed. • I recommend 0.8mm thick walls (with a 0.4mm nozzle). • Infill does not matter but I tested as low as 10% without any issues at all. • The drawers have a clearance of 0,1mm which works for me. If you have another preferred tolerance value, rescale the size of the box in your slicer (or simply give the edges a quick sanding). _______________________________________________________________________ DROPPED THE DRAWERS AND ACCIDENTALLY MIXED ALL THE RESISTORS? ...TOTALLY DID NOT HAPPEN TO ME THOUGH This site helps you identify the color code: _______________________________________________________________________ More types of neat boxes and drawer layouts will be added to my profile soon!






