Kiev 16U Filter Thread Adapter (49mm)

Kiev 16U Filter Thread Adapter (49mm)


This adapter allows you to use filters with a commonly available diameter on your Kiev 16U lenses: Mir-11M, Vega-7-1 and Tair-41M. The main reason I made the adapter is to be able to use a variable ND filter and shoot with the aperture wide open. # Benefits: - Uses a commonly available filter size of 49mm - Does not introduce vignetting - Snug fit, but can be easily popped off and on when swapping lenses - Rotatable, so the markings on your filter face up The fact that is's rotatable comes in handy when operating variable ND or polarizer filters. Normally you'd just have to accept the way the filter end up when fully screwed in. It does make the aperture harder to grab on the Mir-11M 12.5mm and Vega-7-1 20mm, because the ring is so close to the end of these lenses. But you can easily pop the filter adapter off, in case you need to change the aperture.






