Water Aerator, no need for airstones or airpumps!
I decided to make a water aerator that uses water pressure to draw in air, the water enters in the bottom chamber and exits through two vents, in the process it pulls in air from the upper chamber. This way you don't need a noisy air compressor to aerate water and you can build it on your 3d printer. Especially nice for those who got an aquarium or hydroponics setup in a small appartment. The miniature version works with a friction fit to standard garden hoses meanwhile the full size version got soda cap threads (PC1881) where you can fit your own 3d printed caps. Fits standard 20x20cm printers. I have so far only tested the miniature version and the threads on the larger version. You can see the miniature in action here: https://youtu.be/ucByvDLCssU It is a bit noisy from at the end of the input air hose, however I believe this can be solved with a 3d printed muffler (haven't modelled or tested one yet) and I didn't notice as much noise when using unreinforced silicone tubing. This is still a WIP and feel free to remix it if you like the model or got any ideas for improvements. Update 16.07.2020: I have now tested the full sized version, it works but will not work on the pressures from the tap water that I have previously tested the miniature on. I will have to do some more tests with my homebrew pump to get an accurate pressure/fluid measurement.