Scum and Villainy Corps Unit (Skiff Guards/Nikto Warriors/Weequay Pirates, star wars legion scale)

Scum and Villainy Corps Unit (Skiff Guards/Nikto Warriors/Weequay Pirates, star wars legion scale)


Generic scum and villainy corps unit with pistols, intended to use fleet trooper rules as they've got pistols. There's a large mix of species that can represent Jabba's Skiff Guards (mostly nikto/weequay/klaatooinians, skiff guard helmets), Hutt Cartels, Nikto warriors, Weequay Pirates, or other random scum and villainy units. Plenty of different models to give your scum and villainy faction as much irregularity as you like. Probably will be more variations added down the road but there are already a ton in here. Models/Species Included: 8 Nikto 6 Weequay 3 klatooinians 2 rodians 1 snivvian 1 ishi tib 1 gran 1 skiff guard helmet scattergunner Rigged/proportioned/repaired groinkick files for use as legion minis



