Logitech c270 Z-axis mount for Ender 3 with tilt/swivel

Logitech c270 Z-axis mount for Ender 3 with tilt/swivel


I wanted a camera mount that would rise with my Z-axis on my Ender 3 and couldn't find any that were sturdy enough or exactly what I wanted. I had previously had a pi cam mounted using the design by j0mp13 and I liked how sturdy it was and the position of the long boom arm. I designed a bracket for this heavily inspired by the modular mounting system by yyh1002. Finally, due to the new position of the camera so close to the bed, I found it necessary to be able to manually focus. The design by drzejkopf was perfect and it fit with the bracket I designed. This was my first project in Tinkercad and I found that program extremely easy to use. This prints pretty easily. The "knob" and the "bracket" both need supports and print well and are easy to separate using "support interface" in Cura. I have a M5x25 bolt and nut included here as well as a knob from the yyh1002 design. I've been using this design with printed hardware for a couple of weeks with no issues and can use the knob to easily loosen and swivel the camera mount.



