FP-68 Grass Snake Holster
This is a holster for the FP-68 Grass Snake Nerf Pistol. Easy to print and useful on the battle field. Uses two 6-32 screws (can use similar size if you dont have the exact screw) and various amounts of washers on one side (depending on the size of screw and band) to hold an elastic band/rubber band to the holster for the clip. The clip features a tab to quick release the blaster easily. Designed to be printed without supports and whatever filament you want! UPDATE: Added Drop Leg Holster 7/14/2020 UPDATE: 7/16/2020 I added a file that also has a holder for snakethanas. Full disclosure I have not printed this yet, so feel free to do so and let me know how it goes. Will print when I get more plastic, but right now supply chains are down :(