Modular Covid Mask - Glasses Friendly Edition

Modular Covid Mask - Glasses Friendly Edition


*update 11/11/2020: Uploaded large mask (I had uploaded the medium version by mistake, nobody pointed it out until today), and uploaded v2 of the large mask, which now has the nose cut at an angle so that it sits slightly higher on the bridge, but contacts the face at the same point. It also has a little more room for the tip of the nose. *update 8/27/2020: Added Monoprice Mini Delta friendly variant. This has a little bit of the sides trimmed off so it can fit within the MPMD print volume. You'll have to play with the rotation a bit, but it will fit. *update 7/16/2020: Adjusted rotation of model, added photo of mask in use A coworker of mine liked the modular covid mask by MrDWGraf but had issues with his glasses. I ran the mask through Tinkercad and chopped off the upper part of the nose. It no longer interferes with his glasses. I wasn't sure if I wanted to upload this or not because the reduced nose coverage might result in air leakage for some people making it unsafe. Eventually I decided to because this would still be better than some people foregoing a mask completely because of issues with their glasses. Personally I use this now myself even though I don't wear glasses because it is more comfortable and it still seals around my nose just fine. The other mask designs with the tall nose cover dig into my forehead and have even made me bleed after wearing them for several hours. Address air leakage if you have any accordingly with some rubber gasket material or something.






