UFS-073 TS100 Mini Stand & Tip Guard
This stand is simple and useful, but the design is not totally friendly for 3D printing. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3598559 The designer made a 3 degree bend in the part. This part angles the soldering iron so that the tip sits higher off the surface. Because of the bend, the part is not flat and you have to print with supports. Why bend the part, when you can just angle the base of the part. Then you can still print it flat without support. This is even simpler. (Note, we used a 5 degree angle instead of 3.) While we are fixing things, there is the basic design flaw of the TS-100. There is no guard to keep your finger(s) from sliding down toward the tip. So, I designed a second version, that is slightly larger all around to create a small guard. I didn’t want it to be too large so I could still use the storage boxes that you can find on Thingiverse. FYI, I picked this version for my case, www.thingiverse.com/thing:3511257. It is a remix, of a remix, of a remix. Sometimes it takes several versions to make a better product. I think the orginal idea is here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2055299.