Forbidden Desert Tornado Using Magnets
This is a modification using openscad to allow for magnets to be used to hold the base and the storm together. The STL i created fits magnets that have a a radius of 5mm, and thickness of 2mm. you can always customize it yourself. ###Making it Sandy Very simple to make it look like a real sandstorm: 1) cover the model in white glue. I prefer the thicker tacky white glue. 2) Spread the glue with your finger or brush 3) sprinkle or press play sand into the glue. 4) when the glue has dried, fix the patches that may have been missed using small dabs of glue and pressing sand into it 5) once it's all dried, cover in a clear coat to keep the sand from falling off. I used a brush on varnish, but a decent clear spray would work fine too. If you use a brush on varnish, 1 thick coat, followed by another 1 or 2 coats. No sand fell off with just 1 coat, but i added another to be safe. ###Customizing If you're looking to customize: - download all the .scad files - download the magnet_twister_top_basic.stl file - make sure all the files are in the same folder - modify the magnet_twister_top_102.scad file with your magnet size