Pendant with Attitude

Pendant with Attitude


I made this pendant for my Tormach a while back and just hadn't had time to make a video that show's it working. Anyway take a quick look at the video and see if reading on is worthwhile. Pendant with Attitude This uses a switch assembly that is listed in my designs. Build that first. I used a Teensy 3.2 plugged into a Prop Shield with Motion detection. The board mounts at a convenient position so a micro usb cable can be easily plugged it and held in position when the sides are closed. You can build with or without the Emergency disconnect switch. The emergency disconnect switch carries 115 vac so be sure you wire it correctly, you'll have lethal voltage in your hand. Sides are held together with self tapping 3mm x 15mm screws. The led's are hot glued in place.



