3M Respirator Exhaust Vent Filter
3M exhaust filter. Insert your filter material inside against the honeycomb and then slide this part over the 3M 6000 series exhaust vent. Tested on 6200 (medium) and 6300 (large). This part may fit over other 3M respirators exhaust vents, but were not tested. This design allows it to be orientated any of the 4 possible ways and will fit over the exhaust vent. Easy to affix and remove, yet tight enough to prevent it from falling off. Easy to clean; remove and submersing in sanitizer / cleaner. It is also small enough to not affect intake filters affixed on the sides of respirator (3M P100 and P95). The holes allow this part to be secured to the mask with small cable ties, twist ties, etc, but are not necessary in regular use. The holes also provide a method for attaching/aligning a moisture deflector cover to protect the filter material (not yet designed) with either pegs, glue, or cable ties, etc.