Stock Manual Ender 3/3pro Levelling Hack (SD Card Gcode)

Stock Manual Ender 3/3pro Levelling Hack (SD Card Gcode)


Update: 28/08/2020 Added 4 repeats, and did one each for PLA and PETG. My Ender 3pro is a stock manual levelling model so, until the warranty runs out, I'm not modding it or flashing new firmware. The surprising thing about it is, despite Marlin having a Corner Levelling option in Configuration.h, Creality don't have that turned on?!!! WTF?!!! Compared to my highly modified Tronxy P802, my Ender takes twice as long to level because I have to move it from corner to corner manually. This was driving me nuts, even though I prefer corner levelling my printers with every print. Hence, I wrote this GCODE, as much as an exercise in learning GCODE better, but definitely to speed up my levelling, as a stop gap until the warranty runs out and I can flash the sh.. out of it. It's specifically for an Ender 3/Ender 3 pro but, with modification of X and Y values, will suit any printer without a manual levelling menu. So, I share this completely free, as in beer and speech. Use it, modify it, just remember to credit it. Cheers.



