This is a hex-shaped lamp. ## Important information This is not a print-assemble-done model! You probably need to regenerate it multiple times to find out which layer/brightness heights are good for the filament you use! Also, this model has no build-in light source support. The scad file can generate you a blank lid, based on the lighting options, you need to design a holder to the lid! ## Remixes and questions If you want to remix this, or need help, pls use my GitHub project for asking support or adding PR-s, I generally get those notifications faster; https://github.com/tg44/3d-tools-and-things/blob/master/hexlamp/hexlamp.scad ## How to print After you tweaked the options in the scad file, and generated your stl, set the top layer number/height to a big number (like 5000). Set your wall width and layer height to the numbers you generated the file with. This will create a lithophane like settings set. The model should print without any supports! (But you can speed up the print with the inner/outer wall settings, the uploaded stl was ~5h on my printer.) ## Attribution The idea came from the [3D Print Project Athens's Hidden Honeycomb Light Box](https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-hidden-honeycomb-light-box-126140). (I completely designed this from scratch without owning the other thing. If you like the idea/shape of the lamp pls support them with buying their model!)