Geocaching Hook for Biltema Caches

Geocaching Hook for Biltema Caches


Biltema caches are getting more and more often in my ragion so we needed our own pole to get them. I bought a cheap (12€) 8m telescopic fishing rod online, but on the top there is only a very small eyelet. no chance to mount a normal hook. I designed this two hook with a kind of a twist-lock mechanism. just get the eyelet through the slot till the end, rotate 90deg an pull it some millimeters back. The eyelet will bei fixed in a second slot inside an block the hook on the pole. Optional it can be secured though the small hole with some wire or a paperclip. I tested the hook the last weeks, it's al litte bit tricky due to the flexible fishing rod but the hook works fine. The ball was added to bring the loops easier in the hook. The second hook was just an idea, i had tu use it till now... UPDATE 04.08.2020: my pole is broken at the thin top... I redesigned my hook with another mounting mechanism for a further use -->



