Tool Holder for Varimixer Teddy W5a and general hanger...
This is a hanger for the tools to a Varimixer W5a. But also a hanger for S-hooks. Or drawer/door handle Just print the holder and put a 6 mm rod in the hole. On the top there is a possibility to lock the rod with a 12 mm M3 screw, I just tap the 2.5 mm hole and put a screw there if needed. If used as a tool holder for varimixer tools then a 15-20 mm rod is inserted and dependent of the fit you may want to use the screw to secure it. I used the screw anyway since I like the way it looked. I use a cheep reamer set to ream the hole (found on AliExpress...) so my fit is good. Then to mount it I made a template that you print an the tools is spaced so they are not colliding. Just tape it with painters tape and place the holder in one notch. Screw it (or if you are more brave than med use double sided tape) to where ever you like and then place the next in the next notch. Then move the template to mount as many as you like... If used as a hanger for S-hooks I made the hole though the holder so that you can mount one in the middle of a long rod. Short rod and it works as a handle.