Renault Clio 3 clutch master cylinder balljoint seat

Renault Clio 3 clutch master cylinder balljoint seat


This is a fix to common problem found in Renault car in generations approx. 2007-upwards which use plastic clutch master cylinder with this fragile nylon white balljoint seat. Problem is evident when the nylon insert breaks and the clutch pedal start to click upon pressing. So far I haven't found replacement for sale so I made this 3D printed fix which works great in my car. Renault's response was that I have to replace the whole clutch master cylinder assembly so this is my fuck you to them for not supplying such cheap parts and instead charging big money for a possible 5 minute fix if they would supply these inserts as standalone part. Print it with 100% infil and full supports, after cleaning up the supports cut a few lines in the seat so it can flex and click in place, as shown in the picture. Also if printed upright it will break at clip's flexing points so print it as shown in the picture. Feel free to edit, adjust, distribute and do whatever you want with it. If i've saved your day feel free to tip me!






