Customizable Repair Caps for Residential 1x4 Cedar Trim Boards
The bottom ends of some of the 1x4" cedar trim boards on our house absorb moisture from the rain, and are regularly hit by the lawn mower (especially the outside corners). Instead of replacing the whole board, this design is for customizable caps to cover the end of the existing boards and prevent further damage. The end caps may be installed using nails and/or caulk. Notes: * default parameters are for 1x4" trim boards (actual 3.5" x 0.75" in the USA) - please measure your actual board and customize accordingly * 90-degree corner sections are for two boards of same width butted against one another * for wider angles (e.g. bay windows), recommend combining one open-end and one closed-end single-board cap * ceder-like surface texture generation is optional (or can be added manually using caulk and a paint brush) * the "skirt area" extends the board length, e.g. to replace a removed rotted end * "nailing area" is tapered to minimum filament printing thickness at the top * printed nail holes are optional (recommend attaching with caulk instead) * high infill is suggested for pieces that are regularly hit with a lawn mower/etc. * fire-retardant filament recommended * painting is recommended Modify scad file to enable generation of needed pieces (straight or corners), and use your Slicer software to delete any pieces that you don't need/etc Updated 8/29/20: Added optional texture, and optionally specify in scad file whether to render open-ended pieces.