Anycubic Chiron Aux Frame for Palette 2

Anycubic Chiron Aux Frame for Palette 2


Was looking for a suitable place to position / mount the Palette2 on the Chiron since the extruder was transformed to a DirectDrive a couple of months ago, but nothing shows to either fit, have a good position or was good in guiding filament ... Since feeding material from top looks most promising, this frame was designed to position the Palette2 above the extruder / print bed allowing to use the standard PTFE tube supplied with the Palette2. Downside so far: you'll loose approx. 50mm to 80mm in build height (370mm vs. 450mm), depending on the extruder assembly in place. <b>So, what to print?</b> You'll need: - 2x Main Bracket - 2x Angle Bracket => 1x "as is" and 1x mirrored in slicer - 2x Upper Fixing Bracket => 1x "as is" and 1x mirrored in slicer - 1x Palette2 Fixture - 4x Palette2 Bracket - 1x Palette 2 Wall Mount Bracket.stp <i>(included in original unit shipment and added here for reference only; design and (c) by MosaicMFG)</i> Each component features a clearance of 0.2mm at the joints, so the parts should fit flush when assembled, considering printer tolerances (yes, everything was pritned on the Chiron) <b>What else do you need?</b> to assemble the frame use <b>8x</b> M4x20 hex screw and nuts and <b>12x</b> M4x12 hex screws and T-Nuts to mount everything to the Chiron aluminium frame. The orignal Palette2 bracket (shipped with the unit) is mounted with up to <b>9x</b>M4x12 sinkhead screws and nuts - the fixture has nut guides for easier assembly (see pictures for details). Palette2 fixture and bracket use <b>8x</b> M4x18 sinkhead and M4 nuts for assembly and wrap around <b>2x</b> 10mm steel or aluminium rods (i.e. from a Kossel Delta printer) to carry the entire package (currently using M4x25 hex screws for the POC as visible in the pictures...). And some screws to fix the rods (<b> 4x</b> M4x35 hex screws and washers) <b>Work in Progress...</b> Knowing this is the first shot, modifications will happen within the next couple of weeks and months during testing and printing... so feel free to use the STEP file attached to adapt the design to your needs. <b><i>Palette 2 Wall Mount Bracket.stp is design and (c) of MosaicMfG - see for details</i></b>



