Ender 5 Plus Clip On Light Bar Holder
I really needed a light source to watch my items being printed so I went onto Amazon and found a nice light bar that would fit perfectly behind the front top part of the extrusion of my Ender 5 Plust printer. The one that I found on Amazon (see pic also) can be found at the following link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06Y3YG8PP/ref=twister_B06Y42W76C?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1. So after I bought it I designed a clip on holder for the light bar which works perfect (see pics). I also used my custom designed Ender 5 Plus Low Profile wire clips to secure light bar wiring and the switch/control bar. I am very happy with the light bar and the holder and am very excited to share this with my fellow Ender 5 Plus family and whoever else that can use it.