Ender 3 Pro LED profile & filament guide

Ender 3 Pro LED profile & filament guide


Hi guys, When I bought an Ender 3 Pro I looked for some fancy modifications to improve the experience of using printer. One of them was the filament guide that I used so far. It was printed without any modifications and worked absolutely fine.(https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2917932) After a month I realised that there is a lack of light in my workroom so I found a good option for adding LED lamp to my Ender (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2981368) But I didn't want to loose my filament guide option so I slightly modified the lamp files. In result: - left side clip is now holding both the lamp and the guide - right side clip is modified to accomdate the switch for the LED lamp so it's not always on. NOTE: LED profile V1 to be printed twice! Additional thing to use: - wires 2 x 50 cm lenght - switch - I used KCD1-101N - LED light 24V (connected directly to the power supply output) - wire terminals to connect LED, switch and power source. Some guideance after everything is printed: 1. Connect 2 LED profiles with glue 2. Attach the LED tape to the LED profiles 3. Equip the wires with terminals 4. Insert switch to it's socket in the right side clip 5. Connect LED light with one wire directly to the power suppy output and with another wire you should go via switch and connect to the power supply output as well. My switch had 3 legs however I used only 2 silver colored. Also no solder is required.



