64x32 LED Matrix w/ Pi Housing
This is a two-part housing for a cheap 64x32 LED matrix, including mounting for a Raspberry Pi 3A+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u022jF8vcOc **BOM** - [1x 192x96mm LED panel like this one](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32728985432.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dHGdrMM). Unfortunately, this listing makes no guarantee of screw hole locations, however I've ordered several panels and they have all been the same so far. - 1x 198x102mm acrylic piece for the front. - 1x Raspberry Pi 3A+ - 1x XT30 for power. - 6x M3-10mm button-head screws. - 2x M3 nuts. **Build Notes** - To get the Pi to fit, you will need to remove the large power connector and solder cables on directly. - The Pi sits upside down, facing into the matrix. - The Pi mount is offset a little bit to clear some capacitors if you are using a makeshift hat. - The screws pass through the back casing, through the front casing, and into the LED matrix, holding the whole thing together. - The acrylic piece should press fit in. You might need to sand it a little! - Use this library to start displaying things: [rpi-rgb-led-matrix](https://github.com/hzeller/rpi-rgb-led-matrix/}.