Black & Decker MAX 20V Battery Charger Holder (with 1" pegboard mounting option) - with STEP file
This is a charger holder for Black and Decker 20V batteries. These tend to get scattered around since they are small, so I made this to keep them organized. These also include a cable management channel to keep that organized. There are two versions here, the only difference between them is that one mounts on 1" pegboard and the other has mounting holes for #8 screws, which are 73.7mm apart: Screws only version: BD-20V-Battery_Holder_V19_CHARGER_CLIP.stl 1" pegboard version: Battery_Holder_V19_CHARGER_CLIP-PEG.stl The STEP file is also included for easy remixing. <strong>Parts are not oriented for printing, see the pics for a suggested printing orientation. Note that the cable management channel on these will be difficult to clean out, so choose your supports wisely.</strong> I will shortly be posting another version which will integrate this charger holder with a battery holder which will have been inspired by (though not a remix of) RSGeeks 20V battery holders ( The model I am working on will stow both a battery or the charger, but not both at the same time (the idea is that battery would be on the charger).