Water Resistant Box 100x150x60mm
This is an experimental box developed to see how close to "waterproof" a 3D printed box can get. It is very clearly "water resistant" meaning that it can be carried in heavy weather, dropped in the water momentarily and protect its contents from any water. It is only "waterproof" for about 10 minutes of being completely submerged before tiny amounts of water make it through the seal or the printed layers (despite the 100% infill). We're still working on tests and different printing methods but this is about as close as it will get without using special seals or paint/epoxy. We've completely submerged it for over 2 hours and it had just a tiny bit of water inside but that clearly means it isn't waterproof. It was printed at 100% infill and supports were used for the box section not the cover or latches. M3x15mm bolts (x4) are used for the hinges and latches. 6mm diameter aquarium tubing was used as a seal with the cut ends "joined" by placing a smaller diameter, flexible material inside to create a seal.