Cable Pulling Whisk
Anyone who's pulled cable (Cat5/6 or otherwise) for more than a minute has probably heard of glow sticks, glow rods, cable pulling rods, or whatever the guy who had one/some called them. If you look up "Labor Saving Devices glow rod" on Amazon you'll find specifically what I've used and liked. (Used a bunch of other stuff I didn't like, too.) You'll also find the original "whisk" I've designed/improved here. The idea is this attaches to the end of the rod for use in larger areas where you're pushing a long distance. Like above a hard-deck ceiling. You want to push 20+ feet of rod and hit a 6" hole where you pulled out a light fixture? This'll do the work. The reason is that the "fins" can straddle other wires/cables and let you ride them as you push more rod into the run, then you can roll it left/right to walk sideways to other cables, roll up obstacles, whatever. If you push the whisk against an obstacle and turn it sideways, it can "walk" up that obstacle and snap the rod straight over it. It ain't gonna be much use in a wall, but in ceilings this is my personal savior. Skip ahead to the end of the job and someone leaves it laying on the floor. Then a hotel guest steps on it. Suddenly I'm wishing I had an extra one or two. I've since moved "up" and don't pull cable much (if at all) but I still wanted to build this for my printer. I made three variations, each with a thin and thick model. The first (pictured) is a light-weight design "Skeletonized" to make it less likely to drop the tip of the rod. The next variation has a single hole (for tying on pull string or whatever), and the last version is solid, for strength. The thick/thin model for each variation is pretty self-explanatory. The connector is designed for the click-together types of rods. I don't have any of the screw-together rods to test fitting on.