Lasercut RC Halftrack

Lasercut RC Halftrack


Hello everyone ! Let me show you my last RC model : The SdKfz 251 22. This 1:18 model has designed interior but contains also all the required electronics to make it move : You can control it with you phone via the <a href="">Blynk app</a> ! This model has been made as perfect as possible : Working tracks, animated suspensions and wheels, moving cannon and machine gun, openable hood, doors, boxes... It is more than 1500 parts to keep you entertained for hours. You will find step-by-step instructions on this <a href="">Instructable page</a>, from hull to program. ###Required material ##Sheets : Plans are designed and scaled to be cut in 3mm thick sheets. ##Hardware : <p><ul> <li>Ø3mm screws :<br> <ul> <li>x2 15mm long, </li><li>x6 20mm long, </li><li>x6 23mm long, </li><li>x6 35mm long, </li><li>x2 50mm long, </li></ul></li><li>a 17cm long threaded rod, </li><li>a bunch of 3mm washers, </li><li>one or two wooden skewer picks (Ø3mm), </li><li>a pack of toothpicks (Ø2mm), </li><li>a dozen of Ø4mm tubes with Ø3mm inner diameter as tiny bearings, </li><li>Ø1mm wire (paperclips, for instance), </li><li>5m of 2.5mm² ground wire (Ø1.8mm), </li><li>a tiny piece of double-sided tape, </li><li>some wood glue, </li><li>common tools : cutting pliers, screwdriver, rasp, vice, </li><li>a welding machine, solder and soldering wire.</li></ul></p> ##Electronics : <p><ul> <li><a href="">NodeMCU + Motor shield</a>, </li><li><a href="">9G servo</a>, </li><li>Two <a href="">micro gear motors</a> (the specs of the ones I bought were 6V-150RPM), </li><li><a href="">3.7V Li-on battery</a> ( i took a 1000mAh one), </li><li> <a href="">USB charger / Step-up module</a> to deliver enough voltage to motors.</li></ul></p> ###Assembly instructions An <a href="">Instructable</a> has been made for the whole step-by-step assembly, from hull to electronics, soldering and programming.







R/C Vehicles