Snap-together d20 (number 13 fixed)

Snap-together d20 (number 13 fixed)


I had problems printing this if I opened it in anything before slicing in Cura. Cura would fix the error on the "13" face correctly, but other programs would try to correct the mesh and cover the one due to unneeded faces, there. (You can see the error in the STL preview from the original model's page, too). I fixed the mesh error by removing the top faces and ensuring the normals were facing the correct way. Now it should work in any program or slicer. I have had a lot of success with color changes about two layers above where the numbers start. These are a big hit with the teens I've shown them to. The creator (Strange_Meadowlark) has only this model listed (from 2017), and the account no longer seems active. In the interest of posterity, here is the original listing's details: //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::// Summary Print your own d20! If you print each face individually and connect them, you don't have to worry about supports or overhangs. Roughly double the size of a Chessex d20, but it really works! I made this in Sketchup and exported it to STL with this tool: Print Settings Printer brand: Wanhao Printer: Wanhao Duplicator i3 V2 Rafts: No Supports: No Resolution: 0.1mm Infill: n/a - 100% Notes: - Verify that the layout matches the photo, Opposite sides should all add up to 21. - It requires a bit of force to get everything to snap together. Try to get one side of each joint connected, then the other. - I put together each half individually and then worked my way around the equator, connecting the two hemispheres. Post-Printing The surfaces are practically begging to be painted so the indented numbers will stand out. I haven't done it myself yet, though. //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::://



