Bed Hadle with Bed leveling Knob Angle Holder Mk 2

Bed Hadle with Bed leveling Knob Angle Holder Mk 2


It has all the benefits of my original design, but now you don't need to glue any part together! Original description: "Since the angle hold is used to hold the leveling knob to turn in the same amount for all of them, even if you shake your printer, it should still be leveled, so the time between checking the bed level should increase, since once you found that sweet spot for your printer, it is going to be held in place until it is manually moved by the user!" !!!Remember to multiply the Angle Body and Holder, and for the multiplied ones you also have to invert them, to use in the 2 bed leveling knobs in the back of the bed, so this way you have one for each side!!! !!!If you lost some accuracy in printing it, I suggest sanding all the pieces in where they should connect!!! -Printing setting on Ender 3 with a 0.4 mm nozzle, and Cura as a slicer- Layer height: 0.2 mm Wall Thickness: 1 Wall line count: 3 Top/Bottom Thickness: 1.36 Top layers: 3 Botton layers: 3 Top/Bottom patterns: ZigZag Botton Pattern Initial Layer: Concentric Alternating extra walls: on (for extra strength, even thou it doesn't need it :D) Enable Ironing:? (for a smoother surface you can put it on, however, it will make so you need to sand the clip in together parts of the angle arm and body) Infill density: 15% Infill pattern: Gyroid (Because it is the coolest design pattern, and no one can change my mind about that :D)







3D Printing