Lockheed P38E Lightning
The model is a replica of the Lockheed P-38E lightning. Because of the shape of the plane printing the model in one go is hard, and if possible will probably cause some detail loss. I will follow this up in the future splitting the model into smaller printable pieces. The most critical part is probably the rotor, which is already devided from the main model. It is pretty thin so I'll make some printing tests and eventually tweak it a bit. The original blender file is available for adjustments and changes (x35 scale for .stl conversion). NOTE: the model is just ornamental and I highly doubt it flies (try at own risk) EDIT: I've divided the model into 8 printable parts. Parts 2-8 need to be printed twice (second time mirrored). The model doesn't need special slicer settings: I suggest 0.1 layer height, 0.8 wall thickness (2 walls) and low infill (7% gyroid). Top and bottom walls are needed for glueing the parts together. Parts may need to be rotated to facilitate printing but other than that should be good to go. P4 and P8 could use support. All trailing edges suffer to detail loss due very low thickness but it was already accounted in the 3D model so the print should maintain real life proportions. Goodluck