Duplo compatible marble run system - extra pieces

Duplo compatible marble run system - extra pieces


Using the excellent SCAD models from Joachim Eibl as a starting point, I designed a couple of extra pieces for a Duplo compatible marble run system. The SCAD file for the new (and old) models is included. Works with OpenSCAD version 2015-03. Simply uncomment the line for the piece you want to render. There are some models on Thingiverse which are adapted to the geometry of the (commercial) Hubelino marple run system. Unfortunately the groove depth is slightly different between the present system and the one from Hubelino. It would probably be fairly straigt-forward to adjust the grrove depth in the duplo-block-lib.scad. I don't have any Hubelino parts, so I have not tried to make them fit.



