Garden Hose Flow Regulator
Flow regulator for garden hose: Put on end of garden hose to slow down the flow. 95% infill works well. I use it with a watering can when watering all of our planters outside. The idea is to slow down the flow of water so that the can gets replenished as I go from pot to pot, but doesn't overflow. Our spigot flows so fast, that it's almost impossible to find the sweet spot between flowing too quickly, and taking way too long to fill the watering can. SET TOP AND BOTTOM LAYERS TO ZERO Use 80% infill or more Update: Made v2 based on v1, but using a simpler shape, therefore faster to print. Note: When using a high infill, you may need to use PTFE/Teflon tape around the hose threads to prevent water from leaking out around the sides of the cap.