CVS pill bottle cap (40-60dr)

CVS pill bottle cap (40-60dr)


Like the OEM (Berry Global) child-resistant cap, this cap locks onto the bottle for 40 dram (3¾" tall) and 60 dram (5½" tall) prescription bottles used at CVS and other pharmacies. These prescription bottles have just over a 1¾" ID. Using my 3d model as a template allows you to make modifications to the bottle cap to meet your specifications: for example, I made a 10mm ID x 10 mm deep recess in the top of a cap to allow extra length so I could safely store an oversize Forstner bit loose in a workshop drawer. Should you decide to work with the enclosed SketchUp file, be aware that this was designed using inches instead of mm, a strategy to increase detail in small parts while designing. That is, a 10mm dimension is represented as 10 inches in the modeling. In order to export a printable STL, scale the model by 0.0394 (i.e., 1 ÷ 25.4) before exporting the STL.



