MOSFET Case for extrusion mounting (5 versions)

MOSFET Case for extrusion mounting (5 versions)


This design is around the external MOSFET that is or is a derivative of the one made by CBD-3D (see included picture). This box is a generic MOSFET box with a few options that can be mounted to 2020,2040, 4040, etc. It has a large rectangular opening for power wires and a small notch at the lid for the trigger wire. Use the M2 and M3 screws to tap the holes that they go into before installing anything. The lid screws may push out the side walls ever so slightly (what I experienced). !!!! PRINTING NOTE: I used Cura Tree Supports and “Custom Supports” plug-in to block supports for everything on the box except the rectangular opening on the side for the bed wires and tabs that maybe above print bed. Hardware list: (1) MOSFET board - I purchased this 5-pack (feel free to buy whichever from whoever / as long as it is the same layout it should fit in the box): (2) lid screw M2x6 (2) board screw M3x6 (2) box screw M4x6 with M4 Nut to secure to extrusion using thing# 3313417 (V slot T-Nut)






