Inspired by another classic screen monster, the T-Rex in Jurassic Park. Once again this started as a doodle that turned into a more detailed model. I printed this on my CR10-S with a .4 nozzle at normal quality and I keep meaning to try it at a better quality, particulaly the jaws with the teeth. The two jaws should just push into the cavities in the head but there may be some tweaking needed and maybe some glue if they are loose, but on my test print it was a tight fit with no glue needed. The parts should print with no supports, making sure to rotate the parts so the flat bases are on the print plate. If you found this T-Rex was cool to print, I'd love to see them and don't forget to please donate what you think it is worth to my paypal.me. Help cover the time of design. Thank you, and enjoy!