Pixel 4 Quad Lock Case
This design was especially tailored for motorcycle riders while effectively resolving the most common and annoying problems with commercially available mounts ###Problem: - The Ram mount grip X is not very reliable and it's easy to lose your phone while moving - It's also not very convenient for quick photo breaks - Quad Locks are secure and convenient but very expensive - Quad Locks are known to break a phone's camera sensors due to excessive vibration ###Proposed Solution (this design): - Safe and convenient Quad Lock twist and release - Mesh design will dampen the vibrations, minimising sensor damage - The quad lock was relocated to a lower position to allow Wireless Charging (design to be posted soon) - Together with a quad lock to ram mount adapter, this will bring you the best of both worlds (a twist and release ram mount with wireless charging) - Added two small holes on the bottom for a tether This design was remixed from -https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4351413 -https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3076877