Space Zombies The Self Standing Necropolis

Space Zombies The Self Standing Necropolis


Taking a break from modeling, I think there are enough pieces to create a minimalist "easy" to print complex, It was the goal after all :) All designs are meant to be supportless, however some of them are tricky to print cleanly with extreme surfaces or bridges, and are meant to either be sandpapered, filed a bit, or/ and be printed in series and tweak your settings accordingly to reach top results or add a few supports in those extreme aeras. See my space zombies collection for more technical infos about each part. Here are all the corrected and updated versions of said pieces. The Idea was to just lay it down on sand, a lot of sand. Also the <a href="">pixel building pack</a> is meant to create modular underground mazes AND Tardis like interiors, while also being able to transform itself into a basic storage box with magnets or rods, check it out ;) and collab with Giandroid is to come (his excellent immortal for scale preview)



