Cat Clicky Toy
Simply cat clicky toy that I wasn't expecting to be as big a hit as it turned out. The cat seems to like the low-res, crappy prints better than the smooth good ones, so don't waste a lot of time on a beautiful print or high dollar filament. The size in the STL is perfect for my cat, although you can scale up or down as you'd like. Keep it small enough that it will print without internal support, though. Be mindful that you don't want to print so small it presents a choking hazard. After printing, use a paperclip to break the ball loose inside. I added a picture of where the ball gets printed. If you pay attention, you could probably do this mid-print, but I'm not that diligent. If it gets broken, try to get the pieces away from the cat. I'm pretty sure PLA fragments are not good for cats, and that little ball might be a choking hazard. Enjoy!