Mealworm Pupae Sifter

Mealworm Pupae Sifter


This is a laser-cut mealworm pupae sifter box. This seems to catch most pupae, but small ones will slip through. I made this out of glowforge draftboard on normal draftboard cut settings. I also engraved the "0.14 in" for reference as to what size the slots were designed it. They work out to 0.14" plus burn. It's designed to be mostly friction fit with minimal gluing, to it will fit fairly tightly together. Because this is in draftboard, some mealworms will cling to it. I recommend doing a main sift, overturn it and gently tap out any pupae that are stuck in between the slots into a separate box, then more aggressively tap it back over the sifted mealworms to dislodge the last clinging mealworms. That method results in minimal mealworms in with the sifted pupae. You could probably do this in acrylic to reduce the issue of clinging mealworms but I don't know if it will fit together and may need adjustments.






